Profiles of Teaching Competency: The Teacher and the Kids: Interactions

Profiles of Teaching Competency

The Teacher and the Kids: Interactions

They prize, care about each individual.

January 16th 2008

4 No one is a 'throw away.' Everyone has something to contribute.

February 25th, 2008

4 I love people and want everyone to grow and develop and build ever more inter/intrapersonal skills and connections. My only real difficulty comes when I run into people who don't necessarily share my priorities. I try not to demonize them (or think they are just plain wrong) but I can fail in the first exchange in a conflict ridden situation.

SA’s Rating April 3, 2008

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They know how to observe, diagnose and deal with pupils

with behavioural difficulties.

January 16th 2008

4 What is this thing called limits?

February 25th, 2008

4 I am increasing my focus on accepting my own limitations. I can't be the perfect teacher for everyone and I'm letting go (just the smallest amount) of that expectation.

SA’s Rating April 3, 2008

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They use reflective responses to help pupils think

about what they are saying.

January 16th 2008

1 Severely lacking in experience.

February 25th, 2008

3 My SA focuses on asking the students one question after another to get them engaged with the material. It's been hugely beneficial for me to actually experience this in a secondary school environment.

SA’s Rating April 3, 2008

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They promote pupils' thinking.

January 16th 2008

2 I can't imagine wanting anything else as a teacher. I hope to gain more tools though. I think my natural tendency is to be inclusive but again, I don't have tons of experience in this regard.

February 25th, 2008

3 I am becoming more proficient at planning my lessons so that my students can showcase their own processes more. I don't need to show them what I know (as much).

SA’s Rating April 3, 2008

4 Could wait for responses a little later from time to time!

There's a lot of interaction among pupils in their classes.

January 16th 2008

1 I want this kind of interaction in my classroom but essentially I need more practice in this regard.

February 25th, 2008

1 I'm working on this profile but I find it challenging to incorporate with my SA's style. I want more experience letting the students take control of the classroom and work cooperatively.

SA’s Rating April 3, 2008

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These student teachers are real people to their pupils.

January 16th 2008

3.5 I don't understand how I could do anything but be a real person with mixed up traits.

February 25th, 2008

3.5 I hide parts of my experience from most people. I need to work on letting students see some of the less confident and rosy aspects of adult experience so that they know that some struggle is an intrinsic part of human experience. This is not to say, however, that I need to give them the gruesome details and treat them like they are my counsellor or anything. Just subtlety let them know that all of us struggle in some ways and it's ok to ask for help and support when then need it and it's ok to have a bad day.

SA’s Rating April 3, 2008

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