Credo: First Attempt

Instructor Comments in italics.

I want to work on some art to go with these statements too. Something similar to the drawing I already showed you. Here are the statements at least: I think you should. I've really enjoyed looking at and reading the one you gave me. It feels strong, fluid and alive.

I believe education is a basic human right.

I believe my role as an educator is to facilitate learners' abilities to be self-actualizing human beings. alive

I believe that everyone can learn and grow.

I believe in the fundamental dignity of all human beings.

I believe education should work towards modeling an equitable and just world.

I believe the most effective learning environments are non-coersive. strength

I believe education should foster a sense of subtlity, complexity and beauty. fluid Aesthetics - mostly unnoticed in education. And beauty - has lost favour in most realms of our post-modern dominated culture. Do you know the writings of Iris Murdoch? I love that you are thinking about these things within education.

What I want you to do now is to think about how you might put your credo beliefs into only a few sentences. This is not an assignment (yet), just something for you to think about.